- Adult Classes (ages 13+)
- Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:00-8:30pm
- Children Classes
- Thursday, 6:00-7:00pm
- Adult Fees
- Monthly Dues $100
- Annual Insurance and Registration $75
- Childrens Fees
- Monthly Dues $75
- Annual Insurance and Registration $75
Adult Classes

Adult classes are open to men and women over the age of fifteen. In the traditional Japanese fashion there is no course schedule. Students with varying levels of experience practice together with newer students learning from their seniors. Beginners are taught to fall safely, and learn basic techniques. In Aikido, students cooperate with each other, alternating as attacker and defender. Classes are energetic but non-threatening. Learning is through repetition and all students are encouraged to practice as much as possible. Each student learns at his own pace. Your only competitor is yourself.
Regular Aikido training brings benefits in the form of increased physical and mental well-being, plus improved self confidence. Aikido emphasizes calmness, stability and the development of harmonious relationship with others, which helps us to realize our potential as human beings.
Children’s Classes

Aikido is a traditional martial art that reinforces the development of compassion and understanding. Aikido teaches children self-defense in a non-aggressive and non-violent manner. Aikido’s non-competitive teaching allows children to learn at their own pace and have fun while learning to respect others.
Aikido students learn to use unbalancing throws, wrist locks and pinning techniques to neutralize attacks without actually harming the attacker. It is a practical form of self-defense that does not rely on the child’s strength or size for effectiveness. Boys and girls of all levels practice together with senior students helping to guide newer students.
The formal practice of Aikido at Brevard Aikikai will provide your child with the following:
- An opportunity to try martial arts in a safe and supportive setting, where the emphasis is placed on respecting others, cooperation, and resolving conflicts without fighting;
- Exercises which increase self-confidence and self-discipline, and which improve balance, coordination, flexibility, agility, stamina and strength, while increasing alertness, concentration, listening, memory, perception and self-expression; and
- Exposure to another culture, through Japanese words, customs, etiquette, and clothing.
We encourage parents to accompany their child (or children) to observe any classes and ask questions. Classes are for children ages six through twelve. At age thirteen, we welcome students to participate in the adult classes.